Thursday, 3 March 2011

Concept development

I've been struggling quite a bit with developing a concept for the end of year show brief. To start it off I tried to think about what the show was for the students and for the college. What it meant to people. Personally I think it marks a point in time. For some they are graduating and moving on to other things, possibly out of education and into work. For others it's the mark of ending one year and moving onto the next. And for the college it's saying goodbye to some and hello to new students. I started writing different words down to try and get things out of my head and come up with some sort of concept and at the moment I'm trying to develop the concept: transition. It seems to be a word that sums up what the exhibition marks as a point in time but also represents what we as graduates are wanting to help do with the industry.

{scanned design sheets to come}

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