Friday, 20 May 2011

Evaluation of Brief

I think this brief went relatively well, in terms of what we actually pitched. The layouts are strong, although they do have their flaws, which would need ironing out. I really enjoyed working alongside Heather to try and get the type within the box as strong as possible. As a group I feel that the layouts we came up with, perhaps not applying as much to the quote pages, were really dynamic and would have sold the work really well. The main problem with the brief was nothing to do with the design but the group dynamic in general. This was a problem that went on far too long and should have been addressed earlier. Obviously people felt that they couldn't speak their mind and there were often clashes of opinion that rather than being able to argue each case in an objective way people took it far too personally. Over the last 3 years I have been able to get to a point that if someone criticizes my work then it's because the work needs to be better/more appropriate. It's not something that reflects on me as a person or my design skills in general it just means something needs addressing. I feel that this approach is even more applicable when it comes to working in groups. If people can't do this then there is a very negative effect and the work suffers for it. Unfortunately it seems that this was one of this groups downfall.

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